
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lake Flora had just a hint of mist floating over it, so we quickly posed for a portrait. Sue, Ginnie and I shared a cabin, and have for a few years. We also go camping in the late summer to pick black huckleberries in the mountains. It's fun to get together!
Rae and Cathy are from the Northwest Territories in Canada. They made these wonderful random-weave hats, but didn't have room to pack them in their bags. So they're going to wear them on the plane home! They might turn a few heads in the airport.
The last class of the week, at the far end of the dining room. Marilyn Moore, standing at the back, showed us a fun way to make a frame for a piece of woven jewelry. This room is where we eat, have the auctions, slide shows, and meetings, and some of the classes. It's a great room, and they recently added some skylites, so it's much brighter there now. And that's it for another year!

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