
Friday, March 14, 2008

Not feeling well at all today - slept in late and took naps, but finally felt like getting out, so I went down to Mutiny Bay at the boat ramp. The county has been trying to keep the ramp clear of sand, but it's an on-going battle, for sure. They had pushed piles and piles of sand away - there were tire tracks and a big mess everywhere. And, with the next high tide, it will all wash back onto the ramp anyhow!

But I liked the way the water seeps out of the beach and races for the waves, passing a brightly colored oyster shell on it's way.

I've come down with one of those miserable colds, and didn't even pick up my camera, so am offering something from one of my favorite artists:

Studio Notes from Laura Cater Woods.

"The hardest thing is to make this little space for yourself where you can think and not get inundated with other stuff coming in." Catherine Yass

And there's the issue for so many of us, eh? To intentionally take the time and use the energy required to be still, to be quiet, to think our thoughts and make our observations - without getting distracted by the must do, should do, ought to do lists of everyday obligations. As we approach the Vernal Equinox (hooray! The official beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere), think about renewal. What would that mean to you in your personal life and in your creative life? What gifts of time and space can you create for yourself that will allow you to reconnect with the spark that keeps you aware and that makes you want to express that awareness through your creativity? Setting aside the time needed for renewal is so difficult sometimes. If it is hard for you, try this: First make an appointment with yourself. Then, using a kitchen timer set to 5-10 minutes. It is your task to just sit and look out the window or -anything- just sit and be, for the 5-10 minutes. Do this several days in a row. Then extend by five minutes. As you find yourself getting annoyed when the timer goes off, you will know the exercise is working for you.

"Observe 'what is' with undivided awareness." Bruce Lee

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