
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It was a very low tide, and the sky was half full of clouds. I was trying to capture the light over the water as I saw it when I was driving by, but by the time I drove to the beach and parked, the light had changed and became ho-hum. With the wide expanse of beach, the birds were having a field day, prying the clams loose from the muck, carrying them aloft, then letting them drop onto the boat ramp. Broken shells littered the beach, but their insides were so beautiful!


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    HI!I arrived to your blog totally ramdom-lly. Loved the pics! this one specially and the dog's eye is amazing! I'd like to do a blog like that 1! maybe I'll finally get my parents to buy me a cam? hopefully!

  2. Hi, Luchi,

    Thanks for your comments. I've loved doing this photo a day, and I only have a little point-and-shoot camera. I bet you'd have a blast - and it's fun to just let your thoughts flow, too.
    PS - It's actually a cat!
