Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our dear friends Mike and Cyndi sold their house and are moving back to Florida. Mike stayed behind to finish up with the house sale and the moving and cleaning. He spent last night with us, and today he flew to Florida. We're so sad to have them gone - they lived with us for several years when they first moved to the Island, and we've proudly watched them go to school and get successful careers, live on their own, and finally buy a house and fix it up. But they missed their family in Florida, and Cyndi's mother recently had a stroke and requires a lot of help, so they made the decision to go back there. We wish them all the best, knowing they have a hard bit ahead of them right now.

But they sold us their cars, and David is very excited to finally have a Mazda Miata! He's wanted a fun convertable for a long time, so this just fills the bill. He's been cleaning and polishing - Mike won't even recognize it! And their other car is a Honda sedan, with a back seat! We didn't own a car that would seat more than 2, so it's something we've needed for a long time, and it's a nice dependable car that's easy to drive and maintain. Thank you!!!

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