Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Well, I picked David up at the airport last night - the flight went very well, and he's glad (kind of) to be home. He had a great time in Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, and really wasn't quite ready to leave! He got lots of great photos, so I'll be showing some of them, too. These are some of the souvenirs he brought home - a couple of blankets, hand-embroidered blouses, and rather large seed-pods that natives use for musical instruments. Some of the tribes paint and decorate them. He found out about them too late to arrange a visit to the village to get the painted ones, but figured that we could decorate them ourselves, and have our own little band!

These colorful blankets are chenille on a cotton warp - very soft and cozy. He bought them on the beach, so not sure where they are made. The blouses are embroidered by a local woman, whom he met and watched for a while.
He had a great time, and was there long enough (a month) to get to know the locals and feel comfortable there. Maybe I'll go back with him next time.

1 comment:

Ian said...

your photography is very inspired, I enjoyed your blog very much, keep up the good work