
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Well, David brought something home from Mexico! It is spanish for "Buzzard", his nickname, and pretty soon everyone in the neighborhood was calling him "Zopilote!" whenever they saw him! (And, no, it's not a real tattoo - it will eventually wash away. But he's enjoying it for now.) Zopilote el carbone means Buzzard BBQ!
It was extremely windy all night, but this morning it was finally calm. I had to go further north on the island, and it was still very blustery there - when I stood on the bluff to get this photo, the wind was blowing so hard I could barely walk forward, and had a hard time just holding the camera up! But the mountains sure were pretty with their new snow - lots of it, actually - several feet in the past week. The Olympics got less than the Cascades, where the roads through the passes have been closed a lot for avalanche control.

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