
Friday, February 15, 2008

A busy Friday - my other computer finally gave up the ghost, so I guess it's time to start looking for a new one - maybe a laptop this time! Might come in handy, and prices are way down...So spent time messing around trying to get it going, then had a marathon meeting wrapping up a project, then off to Sally's for game night with the girls! Very fun!
Since I was out after dark, which I seldom am, I was lured by the still waters of the harbor, and tried out some lengthy exposures to capture the reflections. These were about the best of the lot, but I only had a tabletop tripod, so I was limited in where I could set it down. And even with the water as flat as it was, out on the dock there was a bit of movement, so some were pretty blurry. But I liked these two - and no, I don't know what that green glow is! The top photo is the restrooms at the park, taken from the end of the dock looking back.

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