
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It started out nice and sunny this morning, but had clouded over by afternoon. When I went to run errands, it was dry. But when I came out of the post office, the wind was howling and there was solid sideways rain! WOW! I snapped this shot at the park - you can see all the water in the parking lot being pocked by yet more raindrops, and the flag at attention! And the rain so heavy it starts to obscure the trees in the background. Luckily, it didn't last long, but did dump a lot of water!

We had our Book Club meeting in the evening - this month's book is Special Topics in Calamity Physics. Everyone who finished the book (514 pages) loved it! Some were partway through, and the meeting encouraged them to continue. Some gave it up early on, which was a common complaint in all the reveiws that we read, but the book gets a lot better as you go on. So, if you're reading it (and I highly recommend it) keep plugging away. It will be worth it!

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