
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Whidbey Weaver's Guild

I attended the monthly meeting of the Whidbey Weaver's Guild, which I joined last fall after meaning to do it for a long time! It was a lively meeting, with reports from all the committees, and boy, is it a busy guild! Spin-ins, sales, shows, workshops, demonstrations - lots going on.

There was a good turn-out for the speaker, Anita Luvera Mayer. She is such a wonderful speaker and artist - we are so lucky to have her near! She weaves, dyes, sews, writes, teaches and also leads international fiber tours. She has garments in many permanent collections and countless shows.
Here she is wearing one of her colorful garments, a tunic with knitted accents. She talked about her road to where she is now and her philosophies about her artwork, and gently encouraged us all to do our art and be ourselves. Then, model Dena showed many of Anita's tunics and other wearable art. Beautiful! Because the tunics will be in upcoming shows, I'm not able to publish any photos of them.

Her exhibit, "Creative Clothing: One Woman's Journey" will be at the La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum from May 14 through July 13, 2008 .

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