
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Well, I decided to change the look of my blog a little - probably be making some other changes, too.

I started this blog just for me - as a place to show my photos, and write a little about them, or about what was going on in my life. Over the course of the year, I have gained a small but loyal following - I never expected it, but have come to treasure the thought that others are enjoying my journey as well. I have tried not to let them influence my thoughts, but just knowing they are out there has been an added boost!

So here's a big THANK YOU to all my readers, and a heartfelt wish for a peaceful and prosperous New Year! I know your thoughts have kept me going at those times when I was tired or uninspired.

And I hope maybe I have inspired some of you to embark upon your own creative journey!


  1. Louie, you have made my day every day!! I LOVE your blog. You really can take a great pic...... and so varied! I feel like we live closer than we are! (but don't want all the rain you get!) :*) Brenda

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    thank you Louie. tho I live just down the road, I feel closer than pre-blog and am enjoying your trip thru life, day by day. love, andy
