
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Almost didn't get a photo today - this was a quick shot of Mike & Cyndi's house from the car, to show Cory what it looks like if he went there. They are in FLA taking care of Cyndi's mom, who had some strokes, so Cory will be housesitting and taking care of Raven, the cat, for a few weeks. Cyndi says she is getting better every day, so they're hopefull that she will soon be moved out of intensive care.

Also had my Basket Guild meeting, where we were able to inventory most of the library books, which was long overdue! That was great - plenty of people to help me. The rest of the meeting was to just work on current projects, and one member brought in his photography set-up, both to show what he does, and to let other take some shots of their baskets. We actually had a pretty good turn-out.

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