
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well, not a very inspired photo for the beginning of a new year of photos! But I needed to take a semi-professional-looking photo of this willow basket, which is going to be in a show! The show is "It's Easy to be Green", and I had to create a basket. The show is fiber related - most of the entries are quilts, with some 3-d items, all with some interpretation of the theme. Basketry is the original "green" occupation - it uses renewable resources, and utilizes whatever materials are at hand. Our ancestors used whatever plant materials were around them to weave together something to help carry food when they came across more than could be carried by hand. I used willow because I love collecting and preparing the withies, spending time in the swamps and woods. And willow is especially "green" - it grows around the world, replenishing itself quickly and naturally, and has a myriad of uses - biomass, furniture, baskets and medicinal. OK, enough preaching!

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