
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

And they're off! We had to meet the airport shuttle at 0-dark:30 in the morning, and it was cold, windy and raining snow! A very good time to get away to warmer climes! David watches the driver load all that baggage, while Steve is all ready for Mexico!
Later that same evening, I met with my Book Club for our annual B'WARE - Book Women At Restaurant Eating! We ate at Gordon's, where everything was lovely and very good and we all ate too much! Sitting: Cathi, Pat, Audrey, Karen. Standing: me, Candace, Robin, Dayle and Jane. Missing: Madelyn. (It's hard to get everyone together!)
Check out the gorgeous deserts! This was mine, a chocolate mocha cheescake. Wow, was it good! And, we actually read and discussed a book - often at the restaurant meeting we never get around to talking about the book! The Memory of Running, which most of us didn't really care for, but it was interesting in some ways.

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