Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh, what a blamed uncertain thing
This pesky weather is;
It blew and snew and then it thew,
And now, by jing, it's friz!
Author: Philander Johnson
Well, all the snow yesterday turned into rain today, although we did have quite a bit more snow in the morning. It made for an interesting trip to Seattle, but by early afternoon it was all rain. And, then, it rained all day. And then some. And the wind. All in all, pretty nasty driving conditions. But the wet roads made for some fun reflection photos, and the ghost-car photo. The red streaks in the road are actually a car going through the intersection, and part of the lights are my headlights reflected on the passing car. I think the funny lights above the red streak are the streetlights reflected on the car's windows. It was a surprise - I didn't think the car would disappear completely!

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