
Thursday, December 20, 2007

This Thursday was our art group party! Yay! Below we had someone take a photo of all of us, but I like the one above, showing us in a more normal mode.
It's very fun, as most of the gifts are handmade, or personally chosen. It's just as much fun to watch them open my gifts!
Jamie showed the candlesticks she painted. She's going to antique them, and finally apply a finish. She has large round candles to put on them. They're great!

I stopped at the Freeland Park on the way home, because the water was so smooth and calm, reflecting the moored sailboats. Of course, the wind picked up a little just as I got there, but you can see the calm water in the foreground. The scoters were diving, so it was a guessing game to catch one on the surface.

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