
Monday, December 31, 2007

How quickly the year has passed! I succeeded in my goal of a photo-a-day, and then some! I started the first day of the year with a sunrise-from-my-deck photo, and so will finish with a sunset-from-my-deck photo. It was clear and fairly warm today, after a couple of weeks of cold and rain.

Cory taking my picture taking Cory's picture!

I have had the best time with this blog - I started it not really knowing what I was going to do with it. As it turned out, I didn't "do" anything - I just "was". I've learned a lot about photography, nature, seeing, and just being. Looking for places to shoot has taken me out when I would have rather stayed in, forced me to go places I might not have gone. I've begun to look at everything in a different way - not how I see it at a glance, but how it really looks. I've learned more than I can put into words, but I'll keep trying.

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