
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday Cheer! Each year we make a cranberry liqueur, and it's such a pretty color. We found little decanters at the thrift store - makes a lovely gift. And a fun holiday photo with the green cookies.
Buzz relaxes under the tree.
Well, we had some excitement last night! Got a call around 11 pm - please come down to the bottom of your driveway. We had no idea what it was, but found this going on in the road. It turns out that after we called the sherriff about the trucks spinning around in our lawn area, the deputy had a slow night so decided to stake it out. And, sure enough, this truck came and spun around right in front of the deputy. I think that made his day! He arrested the driver for malicious mischeif, no driver's license, no registration, no insurance, and under the influence. He came from a party at the neighbor's house, and most of the partygoers drove by and watched him get arrested. Of course, he said that he hadn't done any of the previous damage! So we're hopefull that this will stop anybody else from doing it, too! Yee Haw!

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