
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Another Thursday - we have such a great group meeting every week! It is just so nice to have a place to sit and do fun projects, or just talk. If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, this group can always help with that, and there's sure to be someone who can help with any type of technique, too! Here, Audrey and Janet hold up Janet's latest quilt, which she just finished. Close up, you can see the quilting; she used variegated threads, which don't show very well in the photo, but add a lot in person. The quilting is all done in concentric circles and arcs, offsetting the straight lines of the pieced fabric. She'll be entering it in a show in a few months.
Jamie, Andy (back to us), Audrey and Janet busy on their projects. Today everyone was quilting, except Gretchen and me. We both ended up with tangled piles of threads that we were trying to organize. I did get all my embroidery threads wound onto cards, which makes it so much easier to use them!

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