
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day! I'm sure every blogger in the US will be reflecting on being thankful, and I am among them. We are so lucky to be living in this country! And, I know I don't think about my privileges nearly often enough. I am so grateful for my family and friends - without you, my life would not be the same.
So although we had only a small group to gather around and feed on the bounty, we were all glad to be there! David, Greg, Cory, Barb and I worked hard on the 18 pound turkey - you'll be proud of us! Of course, more were supposed to be there, but plans change unexpectedly..... The bonus was when Cody's friends Shannon and Kim dropped by and gave us a beautiful pumpkin cheesecake with chai tea frosting that they had made! It was an unexpected and generous gift - and amazingly yummy!!! Maybe a new tradition? Shannon created a lovely frosting - of course, I forgot to get a photo of it before we cut, but, we just couldn't wait.
Thank you!

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