
Thursday, November 8, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007
Mom, Cris & I drove down to Mohican State Forest to spend the weekend in a cabin by the Clear Fork of the Mohican River. It was another gorgeous day - the weather report predicted a "deep blue sky filled with sunshine!" And indeed it was. Above is Mom and Cris walking the trail to Little Lyon's Falls from the dam.
But first I took a couple of photos at Mom's while we were awaiting Cris. The Tupelo tree with it's red leaves is next to the Tulip tree, and that abundant sunshine made them glow. It was a little misty, too, down the lane with the sun just rising.

The rest are photos from down at Mohican - the covered bridge over the river, Mom and Cris sitting in the sun on the trail beside the river, the view from the top of the Pleasant Hill Dam, with steps going down to the trail, and the view from the other side of the dam, from the powerhouse.

We stopped at the Overlook, where you can see up and down the Clear Fork valley. The cottonwood trees had lost their leaves, so it's easy to see the path of the river bottom. The hills were covered in colorful fall leaves. We found this sign at Little Lyon's Falls, originally installed to keep folks from getting too close to the edge, where someone has written, "The forest precedes man, and the desert follows him."

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