
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Today started out very foggy and damp, and as the sun rose higher, it brightened all the dew-dropped spiderwebs. And they are everywhere! When they're dry, you don't notice them until it's too late.
This one is just getting started - she has a long way to go.
They are strung between the trees everywhere!
Nothing escapes un-webbed.Later on, after the fog burned off, I went for a little hike on some nearby trails, the Putney Woods. It was a very pleasant walk - no one else was around, and it was a part that I hadn't been on before. And, I had a little friend waiting on my car when I got back! The camera books say to focus on the eyes, so I'm assuming that those are his eyes. Very prehistoric looking!

1 comment:

  1. Hope all those spiders aren't working hard in the house!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL pics!!! I LOVE looking at them.
