
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Turned out to be a pretty nice day, so I went swamp stomping, a pass-time from my past! Only, at this time of year, the swamp is dry, so I get to explore places that are unreachable most of the year. The skunk cabbage leaves are battered and flopped over, and wild buttercups run rampant over the squishy soil. Strange white fungi extrude out of soggy logs, above, along with other slimy stuff. And then, getting out is not as easy as getting in, for some reason. The edges of the swamp, where there's more light, are choked with brambles, nettles and willow. By the time you have won free, you have put up a good battle! So, back to tamer lands, and the neighbor's Japanese Maple trees. They're pretty all year round, but especially lovely in the fall.

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