
Thursday, October 18, 2007

I had to hurry and get these photos posted - the Big Wind Storm hit this afternoon, and the power was out for a couple of hours. It came back on, but you never know when it will go off again! We are well prepared, and in fact it's kind of fun for a while. We had a lot of rain earlier, too, then the clouds cleared as the wind blew harder.
Thursday Art Day, and Audrey's Birthday! We had everyone here - Gretchen, Andy, Janet, Jamie, Carol and Audrey. We were out in the main dining room today, as someone else had reserved the private dining room we had been using. And the bridge tournament was taking place in the community room. But it worked out just fine with two tables pushed together.
Andy brought a pretty cake for Audrey, complete with candles!
And there they go!
Andy also brought the quilt that she's working on - a Log Cabin pattern, with two insets of batik panels that she got in Hawaii. It's very lovely, and she's doing the quilting by hand, so that will keep her busy for a while!

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