
Sunday, October 7, 2007

The berries on my honeysuckle privets are such a luscious purple! They're actually pretty small, and hang on the underside of the branches, so you don't really notice them until all of a sudden there's a bunch of purple berries there!
The flowers are tiny and white, and equally unnoticed in the spring. But the shrubs are evergreen, and have filled in an area of my garden over the years. They're one of my favorite plants.

It was very gusty all night and most of the morning - things were blowing around all night, and the outside light had branches dancing in front of it, casting moving shadows against the shed. Rather eerie! This morning the low black clouds scurried swiftly under the cloud cover, showing then hiding the contrails and blue sky. Now, all of that has continued east, and the rain clouds have settled over us. I planted some heuchera plants just in time!

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