Friday, October 5, 2007

Sun came out late in the afternoon, so time for a ramble. The Madrona trees are so unusual, I know I've posted some photos before, but the colors and textures are so wonderful!
Although the cedar trees are considered evergreen, at this time of year they do lose some of their "leaves". They turn yellow then brown, then fall off, but most of the tree stays green, so you don't really notice. You might think something is wrong, but it's normal for them. This one is deep in the woods, but the flash really highlighted the yellow leaves (needles).
And with all the rain we've been having, mushrooms are everywhere! We have a ring of quite large white ones in the yard, and all sorts throughout the woods. These tiny little guys are so white that they glowed under the salal shrubbery, catching my eye.
And, finally, Buzz was enjoying a nap in the sun when I woke him up!

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