
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The second Tuesday of the month is our Book Group meeting, and September is when we choose the books for the year. We try to keep it simple - the book must be in paperback, and you must have read the book in order to recommend it. We make a big list of all the books that are recommended, then vote in some way to choose the 9 for the year. We then assign the month, the hostess, and the leader for each book, and I send out a schedule to everyone so we know what we'll be doing. It has worked quite well for all these years, and we always have some unusual books. That's what I like most about the club - it forces me to read books that otherwise I would never have picked up. And, of course, we always have goodies - I hosted it tonight, and David & I made crackers with cream cheese and smoked salmon for snacks, and I made a chocolate zucchini cake with a berry sauce made from the black hucklberries I picked in the mountains. Yummy!

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