Monday, September 3, 2007

One of our neighbors planted a huge garden this year, and they've let us come and pick. We had picked peas, beets, radishes, potatoes and carrots earlier, and today Suze and I picked more beets and green beans. They'll be having corn soon, and have cucumbers, squash, broccoli, brussel sprouts and who knows what else.
It is a beautiful garden - this year is the first time, and they planted in a field that has had cows for several years, so the soil is lovely.
And, apparently full of spores, too! This giant clump of puffballs was fun to play with - no matter how many times we squished it, it sprung right back.
Then we went down to the dock to get on the boat with David and Russ, approaching along the dock. It's the last day of crabbing season, so it was time for the final pick and bring the pots in. Only got two keepers, but it was nice out there.
And a local sailing club was having a mini-regatta, with these mini sailing boats. Whatever they were doing, this pair was the winner!

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