
Thursday, September 20, 2007

After seven months, we finally had a Thursday with Audrey again! We met at her senior housing apartment, in the Private Dining Room. Very posh! But a nice place to meet, and we could close the door when we got loud.
This is a montage of the faces there today - top: Gretchen, Jamie, center: Audrey, bottom: Carol, Janet.
We brought small projects to work on, and it was good. Normally we eat lunch together, but we didn't today. Next week we will meet in the Activity Room, which has a full kitchen, so we'll be able to bring our pot luck lunches as normal. It was really nice to all be together again, except for Margaret, who passed away suddenly a month ago. She was Jamie's mother, and we all miss her a lot.
Coming home later, the sun was setting, and several flocks of geese were wheeling around Holmes Harbor. It was unusual - I hadn't seen so many geese in that area before. Of course, it's just another sign of autumn coming! This view is to the north, but the clouds were lit from below, just the palest pink, and the water was so smooth and flat.

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