
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ahhh, the full moon once again. Next month will be the harvest moon, so-called because it rises early in the evening, so that by the time the sun has set, it is high enough to give out enough light to continue the harvest into the night. But that's for next month - this month looks a bit spooky, with the fir-fingers reaching out to capture the moon!
This is the same eastern sky just after sunset - the palest of pinks tinting the lone cloud drifting by. I love the horizon that I see around our yard with all the tree tops.
Then, as the moon rose from behind the trees, it looked so huge!
Bonnie and I took our friend Audrey out to see an art-quilt show at the gallery. She needs to use a wheelchair, so doesn't get out a lot. Bonnie had her 8-week-old grandson, too, but he was a good baby, and we had a great time. The quilts were wonderful, especially Carol's, and lunch at Whidbey Pies was very good!

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