
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ah, that spooky time of year - lots of spider webs, and it seems like the spiders just keep getting bigger and bigger! This one is on my deck railing, so luckily not one I would walk through. But, I did get down in the woods this afternoon, and found plenty of webs that I DID walk through! Gah!! Buzz usually goes first, but he's much lower, and misses those that hit me in the face. ...carry a long stick....
We got a lot of rain the past three days, and the pond is starting to fill up. The mud on the bottom is thick, and it got so dry that it cracked. Now the water is creeping along, filling the cracks as it goes. It will eventually fill up past the tree branches at the far end.
Buzz and I had a nice ramble, but I see that I'll need to start bringing my clippers along to clean up the paths again.

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