
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Started our camping trip today - Sue and I met at Ginnie's, and we traveled out Hwy 2 past Skykomish, then headed up the Foss River Valley and up the side of the ridge to Evans Lake. We camp at the start of the lake trail, which is about 1/2 mile or so through the woods. It's such a pretty lake,
and Prince (formerly known as . . .) just couldn't wait to jump in and chase sticks. He has long, thick fur, and got it soaked through. He was pretty cold later that evening, but after we put him in the car for the night, he was fine.
Of course, it rained most of the day, but stopped long enough for us to hike to the lake and do some bushwhacking. The huckleberry leaves held the raindrops.
We found a yellow cedar log that had been blasted (lightening or wind?) out of the top of the tree, and were able to peel the bark, which was unusual this time of year. Ginnie and Sue salvaged as much as they could, and later we peeled and cleaned it around our campfire.
Here's our little camp, complete with tarp. We even built the fire under the cover, as it started raining pretty hard while we were preparing dinner. Finally it stopped, tho, and we did see some stars after it got dark. Still mostly cloudy and foggy, and couldn't really see the mountain views around us.

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