Monday, August 6, 2007

The Alpacas at the Greenbank Farm have recently been sheared, and they look so silly with their big fluffy heads and feet! But they are very sweet, and when I stopped to take their photos, they came over to see if I had anything to eat. They had to lift their heads up to see out from under all that fluff!

There are quite a few Alpacas pastured here, but these three guys were separated from the rest. Probably the Bad Boys! The Greenbank Farm is a community farm, and has some businesses in it's buildings, and hosts many events over the year. In the past, it was the largest loganberry farm in the country, and while there are still some loganberry fields, and there's the annual Loganberry Festival, they aren't grown commercially any more. They rent out the fields now, and the alpacas are in some of them.

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