
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rained most of the day - a solid, steady straight-down-pour. You could just hear the thirsty plants soaking it in. Round about 4:00 it let up, and the sky even cleared a little, with some blue peeking out. I went down into the woods to dry off some of the underbrush, with the idea of finding water drops on leaves. It was too dark in there, and I hadn't my tripod, so it wasn't until I came out into the lawn that I got some good photos of raindrops on the tall grasses. Although the tempurature was cool, it felt very humid and muggy, which caused my glasses to fog up, making it difficult to focus! We don't get the high humidity here very often, thankfully!
I turned the photo upside down, and zoomed in on the drops so you can see the reflections. The sky is the white (clouds), and the green trees below that, with sprays of dried grass arching across.

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