
Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's been another week, and boy, do these beans grow fast! It's fun to watch them.
This is a picture David took while he was on his fishing trip. It's the Makah Indians out in full regalia in their carved canoes. Although it's a spectacular sight, they only go out there to harass the white fishermen. He had the old camera, and couldn't get any closer. Motor boats have to stay 100 yards away from the canoes, and the canoes can go where ever they want. So they go out and scatter the fishermen away from their fishing spots. As you can imagine, tempers get high over these issues.
The canoes have tender boats that follow them around and keep the other boats away, and they have a large processing boat with them, as well. They are allowed to hunt whales from their canoes, but then they use the processor to haul them in and deal with them. It's supposed to be their ancestral rights to hunt whales, but I'm not sure that's quite how the ancestors did it. But this area is not where the whales are, so there doesn't seem to be a good reason for them to be out there. And it's certainly not a pleasant day - you can see the raindrops on the water, and the fog.

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