
Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Karen, Cathi, Robin and Madelyn enjoy the sunset with the Deception Pass bridge in the background.
The moon over Whidbey Naval Air Station from the beach.
We collected rocks from the beach, and drew spirit animals on them. They helped hold down the note we left, just in case some other Bookwomen showed up.

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007
Our book club, the Book Women, go on a Retreat every summer, and this year we're going camping! We went to Deception Pass State Park. Below, you can see Karen, me, Robin and Madelyn in front of the bridge. Well, it's actually about 3/4 mile away, but you can still see it! We decided to go letterboxing, which is kind of like a treasure hunt. People hide a waterproof box with a notebook and a rubber stamp in it, and you carry your own notebook and rubber stamp (preferably hand-carved). You can find directions to all the letterboxes on the website, so you follow them to find the box. It's usually buried under leaves and branches or the forest litter. Then you get to stamp your stamp in the notebook, along with the date and any comments. You use their stamp in your notebook.

There is a series of five in the Park, and here they're lookingat the book for #2.
Everyone is searching for box #4, and the photo at the top is Madelyn proudly bearing her prize out for us to look into. It proved to be the hardest to find, except for #3, which we never did find. But the clues for it mentioned that it had been reported missing, so it wasn't our fault we couldn't find it!

Here we all are on a observation deck overlooking a large marshy area near Cranberry Lake. Cathi, Karen, Robin, Madelyn and me.

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