
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today is our 31st Anniversary, or 35, if you count the years we lived together before marriage. David didn't want to have his picture taken, but I'll get a nice one of us pretty soon. It has been a long time together, ups and downs, but still best friends. We had a nice dinner out at the Bush Point Restaurant, which is right on the water.
More of the Spirit Stones we drew while at our Retreat.
Robin watches while Cathi carefully hides the last letterbox of the Deception Pass series, #5. Below are the rubber stamps from the letterboxes we found, and the names of them. I had forgotten to bring a notebook, as this was my first time, so I stamped on the back of the pages of directions. I'll paste them into my notebook before I go find any more letterboxes. We ended up watching the sunset from the rocks very close to box #5!
This is the stamp that I carved from an eraser - it's the owl from the Spirit Stones. He stands for "seeing through deception", which seemed to fit the theme in more ways than one!
This is the "gnarly tree", close to box #4. It is an amazing testament to tenaciousness - it is said that it's several hundred years old, clinging to the dunes.
Here, the seagulls are having their morning bath in Cranberry Lake.

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