
Sunday, June 10, 2007

A slight reprieve from the rain today - we collected all the stuff for the garage sale and loaded it in the back of the truck to stash in the shop. It was so nice to get it out of the house, and finally be able to clean out the area. I have moved my craft stuff, and now have some space. Still need to find the time to go through everything, but getting closer!
The sweet little Twinflowers above are Linnaea borealis, and are just covering the forest floor in areas. So lovely! And the Gaultheria is blooming right along with it - an unusual plant. It's one of the wintergreens, but it wasn't clear in my book which one it is. The leaves are not fragrant like the varieties back east, though.

And, today was also the Bead Nuts meeting - our summer pot luck and show-and-tell. We also brainstormed for ideas for next year's meeting programs, and came up with several good ones.

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