
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cody is happy today - he got the new helmet and jacket that he ordered. Now he matches his bike - his old helmet was red. The jacket is leather and has reinforced arms, elbows, back and shoulders. Hopefully he will never need that aspect of it!

David is working hard on the Z - and everything is coming together! Bondo used to be pink, but now it's such a lovely shade of green! He re-attached the fender flairs correctly this time, so they won't show a crack line. He also filled in a running light that was on the fender just behind the headlamps, and filled a seam where the headlamp piece attached to the fender. He had to cut and weld metal pieces, then fiberglas over them, then the Bondo. And lots and lots of sanding. Sand The Car. Sand The Car. He has finished both front fenders, and sprayed the primer coat on. It is a sealing primer, so it will keep for a long time, allowing him to continue to work on nit-picking the body. THEN, he'll be ready to paint it. But, we can't decide on a color! In the meantime, it will be back on the road. Can't wait!

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