
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tonight was our Book Club meeting, and this was the view from Karen' living room as the sun set. Spectacular! Below is the sunset later from the street, as we were leaving the meeting.
We read and discussed The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan, and, as luck would have it, NPR had an interview with him about this book during our meeting, so we got to listen to him talk, as well. He is a very entertaining writer and speaker. I highly recommend reading this book about America's food chains - Mr. Pollan's research is amazing and detailed, and he explains everything very clearly. He describes what we eat, why we're eating it, and how it affects us and everything else! He begins with the question, "What should we have for dinner?" From his web page: "The surprising answers Pollan offers to the simple question posed by this book have profound political, economic, psychological, and even moral implications for all of us. Beautifully written and thrillingly argued, The Omnivore’s Dilemma promises to change the way we think about the politics and pleasure of eating. For anyone who reads it, dinner will never again look, or taste, quite the same."

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