
Saturday, May 19, 2007

We're doing some spring cleaning - planning a garage sale in a few weeks. Phew!! I just had to get out into the fresh air for a while and let the dust settle. I found the blue huckleberries blooming - not very flashy, but quite sweet. The berries are like smaller, harder blueberries, and won't ripen until late in the fall.
I also love to take photos of the flowers in my entry garden as they come into bloom. I just love the candy-stripes on this cranesbill geranium, and it's pebbley leaves. They're soft and fuzzy, too. The original plant didn't make it, but it had self-started in several places in the garden, so I know they're happy.
I love the color of this one - can't think of the name right now, but it always makes me smile. I think it's a type of mullen - the nurseryman said it would be invasive, but it is very well behaved for me.

I read a report about happy people, and it stated that "happiness and an appreciation for the small stuff are related... Happy people enjoy simple things like a sunny day or lunch with friend... People who take note of the positive things in their lives feel more overall satisfaction, more connection with others, and greater optimism than those who focus on their burdens." They recommended that you should "consciously savor the moment - pause to appreciate the positive components, large and small, of your life." I think that is wonderful advice, and it's something that I have been trying to do with my photography. It felt good, and now I know why!

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