
Monday, May 14, 2007

SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2007
Mother's Day bouquet. Well, I picked them out of the garden - mostly Coral Bells and our native Tolmiea menziesii, commonly called youth-on-age or piggyback plant, because the leaves look like they're growing on top of each other. It's a saxifrage - I had thought it was related to the huecheras, so I guess it is. I like the native plants that volunteer in my garden - they're usually so happy there! The vase is a Royal Copley that I found in an antique store, in, of all places, Copley!

But back to Mother's Day - we had a very nice day, with David and the boys making a beautiful dinner for Grandma and me. David had been fishing the day before, so he had fresh fish and prawns. He made fish-kabobs with the fish, shrimp, tomatoes, pineapple and red & yellow peppers, and fried the prawns. It was wonderful!

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