
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Look closely -that's a clam squirting! It was such a lovely day, I couldn't resist stopping at the beach after running my errands. The tide was waaaay out, and there were clams and who knows what else squirting everywhere I looked! It was fun to try and catch the stream - it happens very quickly, and you can't tell where the next one will be. But I got lucky!

At the water's edge, all the little critters were scurrying around in the shallows. It was about 2-3 inches deep, and very clear. There were lots of teeny crabs of all different colors - look closely at the last photo -there are at least 9 crabs there - some blending perfectly with the sand. They investigated holes in the sand, and under shells and seaweed - very busy little guys. Little power struggles occured when two crabs met!

I had to approach slowly, so as not to alarm them, and I settled down to wait for them to return. As I was taking the photos, those pesky clams continued to squirt - I wondered why my backside suddenly felt wet!

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