
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It was foggy this morning - the guys got up at 4:30 to go fishing, and thank goodness for GPS! Also, they were on the east side of the island, out of the shipping lanes. David had saved the location of the fishing hole on his GPS, so they were able to go there and get back without being able to see land. And, they caught some fish! Planning another trip on Thursday.

Here, the fog was higher and pretty thin - the sun came through it, and soon burned it all away. This is our steel roofs, taken from the upper deck.

It was book club night, too. We met at Dayle's, on the bluff above Holmes Harbor, and were treated to a wonderful sunset, as well as wonderful pie and ice cream!
The book was The Year of Magical Thinking, by Joan Didion, about her husband's sudden death by heart attack, and how she dealt with the grief. It was very interesting, as she is an investigative writer, and one of her ways of dealing with something new is to research it. There was a lot of information about the way our current society deals with grieving and death, compared to how it was in the past. It was also very personal, describing her thoughts and processes. We had a great discussion, especially since one of our members had lost her husband a few years ago, and she shared a lot with us. I recommend it.

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