
Sunday, April 29, 2007

It rained all day long! Even the weatherman on TV said it was "gloomy"! Everything is dripping. We have been seeing and hearing this barred owl for several days, and I finally got a shot of him. You can just see his glowing eyes, sitting on a beech snag. This wasn't his (her) preferred perch, though - that was deep in a huge fir tree. Occasionally the crows would chase him out, and he'd come to this tree close to the house. At night, he'd discuss it all with his friends.

Cris and I went to Oberlin during the day, and shopped at the bead shop - always a lot of fun! We also saw a great exhibition at the Ginko Gallery - Rita Buchanan's "A Gardener's Weavings". It was a collection of woven grass cloth, her unique style of weaving with grasses, iris & daylily leaves, stiff stalks and colored twigs. She had items fashioned into boxes, book covers and purses, and tapestries and wall hangings. It was inspirational, and of course quite lovely.

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