Sunday, April 8, 2007

I'm having a great time trying to catch Buzz shaking the water off after a swim! And, I'm sure he's having a great time swimming! Sunny today, but cool and windy. Lots of birds singing, especially around dawn. This is the time of year we love to lay in bed and listen to them.
When I walk in the woods, I can hear them all around, but it's hard to spot them. The insects are abundant, so the birds are very busy chasing them through the branches. Barb has already seen some swallows - we look forward to their return every year.
Most of the trees have begun leafing out - they're so thin and fragile that they glow with the sun behind them. Suddenly the far hills appear green instead of gray. Soon the lighter areas of the forest floor will be covered with twin-bell and star flower and other shy wildflowers. The brambles will be loaded with the not-so-shy pink and white blooms that the bees and hummingbirds love.

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