
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Record-breaking high temperature today - in the mid 60's! I managed to book a meeting at the beach, so of course, afterwards, I got to go play in the sand. These birds looked so comical perched on the rocks!
Someone created an art piece with the driftwood, which allowed me to create my own piece of art. I found beach glass - there is usually quite a bit along this stretch of beach. I like the greens and blues, which are harder to find, but I also found some nicely shaped white pieces, too.
And, there was a gorgeous sunrise this morning to start things off.
I finished up all the name tags for Retreat - sure feels good to be done with the pre-Retreat chores. I did sign up to help with the final clean-up on Sunday, but I won't have to do anything else while I'm there. The rest of the committee runs the show!

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