
Thursday, March 1, 2007

I love this shot of Buzz. He wanted in the house, and seems to be saying, "Oh, please open the door! I'm cold." Of course, I know he doesn't feel the cold like we do! And, he sure loves to play in the snow, as you can see from his nose. If you think he looks especially black, it's because I still had the camera in Black and White mode. Ooopps!

We ended up with about 3 inches or so, but the Everett area got 6"-8", and traffic was at a stand-still until 9:00 or 10:00 at night. Sure glad we don't have to commute! There was a pile-up on the I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass - they figure 50-60 vehicles. Thankfully no one was killed, and only 4 serious injuries. Needless to say, the road was closed for many hours.

But, the snow has pretty much melted tonight, and will be gone by tomorrow for sure. I headed out to visit a spec house that I did the drawings for - it is beautiful!
Here's a view of the main room and kitchen, and the next one is looking from the kitchen across the main room.

You can see out the windows that there is a gorgeous view of Puget Sound and Deer Lagoon. The Olympic Mtns. are visible when it's not cloudy.

This is kind of a strange view, but it is inside the master bathroom.

The second photo helps explain it. There is a window between the bath and bedroom, and an angled mirror over the regular mirror reflects through that window, and lets you see the view outside the bedroom windows. It's a very cool idea - wish I had thought of it!

This was built by a contractor who does all the work himself (except for specialty items like cabinets and electrical). He does all the finish work, and most of the detail designing. Very talented!

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