
Sunday, March 4, 2007

Gray day, but OK for a swim. I finally caught Buzz while he was shaking off the brown water of the pond by Barb's house. He was having a good time just swimming around. We were too noisy in our approach, and startled the ducks into flight. There were several pairs, and one couple bravely remained after the others flew. They didn't let us get too close, though, and then they too were gone.
The patterns formed and reformed on the water's surface as Buzz moved around, reflecting the overhanging tree branches and the cloudy sky.
Spotted this rather large and messy nest - not quite sure what built it, but now that I've found it, I'll keep an eye on it.
During our walk, the crows and ravens were moving about the tree tops, getting ready for bed. They tend to gather at dusk and discuss it loudly. They sweep up into the sky - a murder of crows - and disappear into the night.

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