
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yet more signs of spring! The alder trees are blooming, or at least they are developing their catkins, which are sending out pollen on the four winds! There was an article on the TV news about several areas around Puget Sound that woke up with a strange powder dusting everything outdoors. No one knew what it could be! Then, the next night, after testing, it was found to be . . . can you guess . . . .pollen! The cedar trees are sending out pollen now, too, so they got a double whammy.

You can also see on the branches some of last year's cones, or seed pods on the alder trees. When the catkins are full of pollen, they appear reddish, and when you see a stand of alders, it's almost more colorful than the leaves turning in the fall. When they begin to drop off, the tiny chartruese leaves will start to show. Then everything will turn green!


I brought some forsythia in to force, and they just popped out! They light up the whole entry area in the perfect yellow vase Marjorie gave me. My Royal Copley vase is on the left.

I walk by the crocus buds every day - they're right next to the walkway, and was just waiting to take a photo of the blooms. Well, obviously I waited too long - someone had them for dinner!

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