
Friday, February 16, 2007

Well, here's another challenge - I'm planning to take this pile of t-shirts and turn them into a quilt. I belong to the Northwest Basket Weavers Guild, and these are some that haven't sold for one reason or another. The attire committee was going to offer them at a deep discount, but another member had the idea for a quilt, and of course I offered to make it. (What was I thinking??) The quilt will go in the auction - it's one of our main money-raisers at the annual retreat. I'll keep you posted as I go along - we'll see how it turns out. There are several different basket designs, and a nice assortment of colors. I have some thoughts, but no real idea of how I'm going to lay it out.

I am on the committee that manages the Retreat, and it's a lot of fun. We all really look forward to Retreat in March - it's the time when you get to see all those guild members that you never see the rest of the year. There are workshops if you want to take them, time to just sit around and weave, or walk around the lake, or nap! You get to spend 3 days doing nothing but baskets, with wonderful folks. And, no cooking, cleaning or taking care of kids!!!

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